A lake in the mountain background
A lake in the mountain background

Bible Quizzing

Lives transformed by the Bible

A person with a video camera taking a video of a youth taking a quiz
Bible study group
Icon showing an illustration of a cross as part of the mind and a heart on the side

Hiding the Word in
our hearts

Because we believe it is the Word of God, through the Holy Spirit, that transforms our lives into the likeness of Jesus Christ, we encourage RMCC youth to make Scripture memorization a priority in their lives. Bible quizzing is a friendly but competitive activity where youth ages 10-18 memorize large sections of the New Testament and compete in game show-style local and provincial competitions.

RMCC quizzers practice Tuesday evenings at 7:00PM at the church.

Bible study group
Icon of an open bible

Why join quizzing?

  • Be part of a team
  • Learn the Bible
  • Improve memorization and communication skills
  • Make new friends
  • Enjoy friendly competition

A few of our favourite events

A group photo of youths with Pastor Glen holding the Pastor

Pastor’s Cup

Each February RMCC hosts a tournament specifically for RMCC Quizzers, culminating with the top three teams battling it out for the prestigious Pastor’s Cup. Watching these Quizzers in action is something to behold.

A group photo of people going to the tournament.

Quiz tournaments

There are four District meets every year, during which all of the teams in Alberta get together in one church to answer questions and glorify God. Winning teams can advance to provincial or even national competition.

A group of young people holding on to their ankles

What is Bible Quizzing

Watch this to get a glimpse into the world of Bible Quizzing!

We were honoured to have MRU student, Tanner Hill, take an interest in Bible quizzing. He created this video of us. We hope you enjoy it!


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