The Calvary Chapel Movement: Shared heart, shared focus

Striving together for the faith of the gospel

RMCC is part of a non-denominational movement of affiliated churches who share a desire to keep things simple by focusing on the transformative power of God’s Word while being led by the power and person of the Holy Spirit. It began in southern California with the ‘Jesus People’ revolution in the 1960s and the revival among hippies and surfers. Today there are over 1,800 Calvary Chapel fellowships around the world led by pastors and elders who share a commitment to keeping the focus on Jesus through the expositional teaching of the Bible.

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Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel Philippians 1:27

Distinctives of Calvary Chapel churches

Autonomous, independent and local

Teaching the whole counsel of God’s Word

Relying on the Power of the Holy Spirit

Surrendered to Jesus as the Head of the Church

Calvary Chapels in Canada

RMCC is one of many Calvary Chapels in Canada. We hold an annual conference to bring together pastors and ministry leaders from throughout our region. For more information about Calvary Chapels locally and around the world you can visit the Calvary Chapel Association website.

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Read our guiding values and statement of faith.

What We Believe

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Taste and See God’s Goodness: The Jackson Willms Story

As I glanced out the front window and watched Jackson Willms and his care aide make their way up the...


Advancing the Gospel

Several years ago, Pastor Blair Butterfield was at a pastors’ conference in Lima, Peru where he bumped into a man...

An image of a women kneeling to pray with a text overlay "Walking in his Love"

The Necessity of Prayer

The world tells us we can do it all. Try hard enough, work enough hours, do all the right things...