Truth & Trials in Togo
Throughout my journey through medical education, my goal was to use the career God gave me to serve vulnerable international...
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When you enter our church on Sundays and scan the room, you see all the different serving teams in action, including the tech team doing sound checks, ushers assisting you to a seat, and the worship team leading us in worship. RMCC is a family that loves to serve the King.
In our current culture, time is currency. We want to stretch the minutes of the clock to accomplish more in the day. So, it’s a demonstration of God’s grace to see so many people set aside their time to learn, grow, care, and give to their church community. “Each one should use whatever gift He has received to serve others. Faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms (1 Peter 4:10).”
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing several people in different areas of service at RMCC to chat about how serving in this community creates new connections and friendships, multiplying the blessings of church life.
I asked Laura Perron, one of our gracious worship leaders, about her serving story. “When you first came to RMCC, how did you connect with others?” She vulnerably admitted that wounds from past experiences filled her with trepidation about trying to get connected right away.
“It was lonely to be attending a new church,” Laura confessed. After being involved in different ministries at her former church for over a decade, it was difficult to think about “starting over.” But Laura trusted God and surrendered the process to Him. She spent the first six months sitting and soaking in the Word of God, and as she focused on Him, He began to heal her heart in ways she couldn’t have imagined.
Laura first signed up for a volunteer position with Day Camp at RMCC to be with her boys. She didn’t know where this open door would lead, but she stepped through it, trusting God’s perfectly intentional ways. Laura was stationed at the snack hut and says it “was a perfect way to dip my toes into serving at RMCC.”
It’s hard to make connections during Sunday services. Sundays are busy, the church is crowded, and it’s simply not an easy time to engage in a deep conversation. Laura knew from experience that serving in areas beyond Sunday morning services is “a wonderful way to build new friendships that have the opportunity to go deep.” Eventually, Laura joined the worship team, led kids’ worship, and now serves in youth ministry.
When I asked Laura, “How has serving in ministry led to new friendships?” she replied beautifully. “When you serve alongside someone, there’s an opportunity to spend time together and to know each other better. You’re investing in the Kingdom together, for a common purpose, and that binds you together uniquely.”
As we read in Romans 14:19, “Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.” A pastor once said, “You do not go to church for just yourself, but to give to one another.” As much as Laura gives, she receives—in friendships and deep connections which help her faith journey with Christ.
I ended the interview with “What would be your advice to someone considering serving at RMCC?” Laura enthusiastically responded, “Do it! Serving demonstrates a willing heart to do anything for Him first and foremost. Anything you do unto the Lord, do it with a joyful heart and see where the Lord takes you.”
This serving journey is as much about Laura establishing a deeper relationship with Christ as it is about Laura establishing new friendships that will bless her and her family for years to come.
“Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 3:13).”
Throughout my journey through medical education, my goal was to use the career God gave me to serve vulnerable international...
Last winter, after reading in the church bulletin about an opportunity to serve in Little Sprouts, I briefly thought I...
The energy, enthusiasm, and genuineness of youth are inspiring. Amen? God uniquely equips our teens to minister to our RMCC...