The Amazing Grace of God

February 4, 2021
3 min read

Is salvation entirely dependent on God, like some people will claim, or is His grace and my salvation dependent on some amount of my good works?

In 1994 Pastor Chuck Smith, founder of the Calvary Chapel movement, wrote a book entitled: ‘Why Grace Changes Everything.’ In writing this book, Pastor Chuck attempted to answer these questions.

What follows are a selection of quotes from Pastor Chuck’s book to help us appreciate the meaning of grace – God’s love – and why it should change everything, or, in other words, what the Apostle John wrote: ‘See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!’ (1 John 3:1, NIV)

May these excerpts from the book, ‘Why Grace Changes Everything’ help you know, and continually receive, the love of God:

  • Do we relate to God on the basis of what we do for Him or on the basis of what He’s done for us? (p 36)
  • Abraham was not righteous because of what he did. He was righteous because of what he believed. What he did was in harmony with what he believed. God took the belief and imputed righteousness to Abraham for his belief. (p 61)
  • One of our biggest problems is that we tend to be more interested in what we do than in what we are (saved sinners). God is more interested in what we are than in what we do. He looks for fruit; we try to produce works. (p 81)
  • When it is natural, it’s in the realm of fruit; when it’s pressured, it’s in the realm of works. (p 82)
  • Once I began to understand the Word I saw that it wasn’t my righteousness or ability to reach some plateau of holiness that makes me worthy of God’s blessings. The longer I live, the more I realize how undeserving and unworthy I am of God’s touch. He wants to bless me not because I am good, holy and pure, but because that is His nature. He enjoys blessing His children. (p 95)
  • God’s ways haven’t changed a bit. The blessing of Abraham comes to us all through simple faith in our Lord Jesus. Our part is merely to believe Him for His blessings. And come to think of it – that’s quite a blessing in itself! (p 100)
  • Whatever your experience has been, God wants you to … know Him as a loving, righteous Father, a holy and pure and caring Father. His Spirit within our hearts cries out, ‘Abba! Daddy! Father!’
    (p 166)
  • God has granted us sonship and an incorruptible inheritance through Jesus Christ our Lord. Not because we deserve it. Not because we earned it. All this has been made possible only through His rich mercy and grace. (p 169)

Pastor Chuck left behind an incredible legacy including thousands of Calvary Chapel churches around the world. He also left behind this inspirational book, ‘Why Grace Changes Everything.’ I believe that if Pastor Chuck were still with us today he would agree that the main message of the book has been captured perfectly in a song by MercyMe called Flawless and in particular these lyrics:

“Could it possibly be, we simply can’t believe, that this unconditional kind of love would be enough to take a filthy wretch like me (insert your name here) and wrap him up in righteousness? But that’s exactly what He did!”

The truth is that grace changes everything. Can you say that God’s grace has changed your life? Do you need help explaining grace to others? This book will help you go deeper in your understanding of grace – God’s love for you – and why it really does change everything!

Jennifer Nudd at the Calvary Bookstore would be happy to order this book for you or you can read it online at:

[Other good reads by Pastor Chuck that foster an understanding of grace as well as the foundations of the Calvary Chapel movement include ‘Calvary Chapel Distinctives’ and ‘The Harvest.’]

Written by Bruce Daze, Associate Pastor, RMCC

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