His Workmanship Created for Good Works

February 2, 2022
4 min read

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:8-10, NKJV).”

Good works don’t save us. But they are the natural result of being saved and being filled with the joy of the Lord, overflowing into the good works that God has prepared for us to do, to His praise and glory.

At the heart of the Hospitality Ministry at RMCC are people who love Jesus and faithfully carry out practical good works that He has prepared for them to do.

An Outpouring of Joy

I am reminded of the biblical account of the Philippian jailer in Acts 16 who asked the famous question to Paul and Silas: “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” to which they replied, “Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”

Luke records that the jailer was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God, and I think the practical things he did for Paul and Silas were an outpouring of this joy. The first good work that God prepared beforehand for him to do was washing the painful wounds of Paul and Silas (who had been severely flogged before they were thrown into jail). Then he brought them to his house for a meal.

So it is with our Hospitality Ministry, which is filled with people who, with joy-filled servant hearts, are blessing the body at RMCC practically, by providing nutritious meals to families who’ve just had a baby, experienced a death in the family, have a serious illness, or have undergone surgery.

Ministry at my Lowest Point

I have been a recipient of our Hospitality Ministry twice in the past two years. The first time was at the start of 2020 when I broke my ankle quite badly and was unable to bear weight for eight weeks. I can tell you, with two kids and a puppy to look after and my husband away at work for the next two weeks, I was feeling frustrated and sorry for myself.

When Joan came all the way out to Cochrane to visit me and lend me her own mobility scooter—a truly life-changing blessing for me in the following weeks—she saw me at my most vulnerable, lowest, rawest point. I was not my shiny, happy, Sunday best self. I was pretty broken (not just my ankle, but my spirit too).

But meeting people at their point of need is what our Hospitality Ministry does so wonderfully.

The gentle care I received comforted me.

The cheerful kindness they gave lifted my spirits.

The sensitive compassion they shared made me feel loved.

Others in the ministry sent many meals, and I felt Jesus wrapping His arms around me when I read the notes of comfort and love they sent with the amazing, tasty and healthy meals.

They even offered to send someone to clean my house as I was immobile. What a blessing!

The second time the Hospitality Ministry blessed me was last summer when I was bedridden with COVID. Again, my husband was away working, and my kids were caring for themselves.

The Hospitality Ministry lifted me up in their loving way, sending tasty meals and I felt blessed in the unique way only practical help can give. I felt loved.

Ministry Well-Pleasing to God

I deeply appreciate the care I received from the Hospitality Ministry, but I also know that God is well pleased when He sees His children serving one another, in love. Paul writes about this in Philippians, calling gifts that he had received from the Philippian church “a sweet smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God.”

I know our Hospitality Ministry blesses the Lord in a very special way that is close to His Father-heart of love. And every time this ministry provides for the practical needs of someone, I think it is a beautiful reflection of the provision, love, and care that Jesus, our Servant King, gives to us.

To all involved in the Hospitality Ministry, on behalf of everyone you’ve cared for, thank you.

Written by Rachel Levesque

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